Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  1. Go to the SSO Account Settings page (https://sso.<your‑domain>/auth/realms/master/account/).

  2. If you’re not already signed in, you’ll be prompted for your account credentials:

  3. Choose Authenticator in the navigation pane on the left.

  4. NOTE: Do not attempt to change anything on the Account or Password section pages.
    Although the information in those sections is shown as editable, any changes made in them will not be written back to your account.To make changes to your account details, you must go to the Account home page (https://account.<your‑domain>/).

  5. Below the QR-code, click on the Unable to scan? link

  6. Copy the shared secret key and paste it into the Enpass TOTP field.

    To save your login credentials in Enpass, click the Save button at the top-right corner of the page.

  7. Now Enpass will always display your saved credentials with a TOTP code and expiration timer.
  8. Copy the six-digit TOTP code from Enpass back into the One-time code field on the SSO page.

    You can click on the copy icon to the right of the TOTP expiration timer to place the current six-digit code onto the clipboard.

  9. Finally, click the Save button (before the 30-second expiration timer runs out).

    Your account now has 2FA enabled. From now on, when you sign in to your account, in addition to your account username and password, SSO will prompt you for a TOTP code. When you sign in with Enpass to a 2FA-enabled website, Enpass automatically places the TOTP on the clipboard for a limited time after filling your username and password. When prompted for the authenticator code, just paste it in with Ctrl/Cmd + V.